Curatio Featured on TrendHunter

Curatio is officially #trending in tech!

Check out our feature with TrendHunter to learn more about our platform, and how we are working hard to increase peer-to-peer patient support.

You can read more about the article here.

“When struggling with a health ailment, it can be extremely helpful to have a group that understands your exact issue and can provide support, especially if the group’s members have experienced the same challenges—this is the premise behind ‘Curatio,’ an app that helps people around the world connect. As well as offering a myriad of resources for tracking and learning about one’s condition, Curatio helps people to form a virtual support group with peers who are undergoing the same challenges. With the app, these individuals are able to connect privately for a greater sense of community. Curatio reveals that individuals who are socially isolated are at a higher risk of premature death, heart disease and stroke.” – Laura McQuarrie @ TrendHunter

Want to try out Curatio? You can download it on your iOS phone or tablet here!

Christina Lee