Community Guidelines

We’re so glad you’re here! We love hearing from you and hope that you’re making great connections in-app. As with any exchange of ideas, it’s important to have a few ground rules for everyone to follow when posting and participating in the community. 

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the community guidelines below. You will see a list of reasons why comments/posts might be removed from the discussion and a general outline of polite community participation. Following these guidelines will help foster a friendly, safe and respectful environment – and a place where everyone can feel valued and included.

Please note that community posts to the home feed are monitored by an automated tool. We may have to retrieve your contact information in order to contact you in case of an adverse event or product complaint or to find out more information about an issue you’re having.

  1. Follow the law.

This one needs no explanation - please don’t do anything illegal in the community. We ask that all community members abide by local laws and regulations and will remove content referring to or related to illegal activity. 

  1. Be respectful and contribute positively to the community. 

The use of vulgar or offensive language is prohibited. We will remove comments/posts, and in some instances, prevent the posting of any content that contains credible threats of harm, bullying, intimidation or harassment, hate speech, vulgar language, violence or sexual content. 

  1. Be authentic. 

We ask that users bring their authentic, best selves to the conversations and only post content they own or have the right to share. Users can always protect their privacy and identity by not using a real name, however the app cannot be used in order for people to be deceptive or misrepresent who they are. We will remove content or accounts that are suspicious or impersonate others. 

  1. Do not spread misinformation. 

Our communities are a safe space for people to share experiences and learn from their peers. We ask that users only post credible information and avoid providing medical advice to other users. We may remove content that is unreliable or that contradicts scientific evidence or guidance from local health authorities. 

  1. Don’t use the app as a means of solicitation. 

Our community is not intended for the buying or selling of any products or services. We will remove content that is promotional or offers commercial services or products. 

Other Topics to Avoid

  • Prescription products, including their benefits or side effects

  • Off-label (unapproved uses of a product) discussion

  • Requests for or offers of medical advice or treatment suggestions

  • Recommendations, criticisms, or subjective ratings of specific clinics or health care professionals

  • Criticisms of or opinions on other forum users or AstraZeneca Canada Inc. and its employees

  • Reporting of adverse events related to treatment. There are specific channels for reporting adverse events. 

Reporting and/or Removing Other Users: How you can help keep the community friendly, safe and respectful 

If you observe that another member of the community is not abiding by these community guidelines you can report the user to the Health Concierge/Agent. You can do this by clicking Report or Report & Remove after clicking on a user’s profile. You will be asked to provide a reason for reporting. Your username and the username of the account you are reporting will be shared with the Health Concierge/Agent for further follow up. We won’t notify the user whose account you’ve reported. If a user is found to be in violation of these guidelines, we will remove their content/post or their account altogether. 

We’re here to help and want this to be a safe and positive experience for you. Please let us know if we can answer any questions or concerns. We greatly value your participation and love getting your feedback.